Complementary colors are basically colors which are on directly opposite sides of the color wheel. So blue is a complement of orange, red is a complement of green, yellow is a complement of purple and so on.
Complementary colors provide striking visual effects when paired together. Claude Monet said this about complementary colors in 1888:
"Color makes its impact from contrasts rather than from its inherent qualities....the primary colors seem more brilliant when they are in contrast with their complementary colors."-- Claude Monet
What he meant was that red for example has no meaning or power by itself. But, when paired with a complementary color (being green), you are able to properly see the richness and warmth of that red.
Color is all relative.
The impressionists were masters of color and were very clever in how they used complementary colors to create stunning visual effects. Let us now go through some of the paintings by Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh which utilizes complementary colors.
In the painting below of Van Gogh's bedroom, we see a very intense red of the bedsheet which contrasts against the dull green of the floor. We also see that the intense orange of the bed frame contrasts against the weaker blue in the walls and doors.
In the flower painting below, the vibrant red on the wall contrasts against the dull greens of the table and leaves.
In this portrait of Van Gogh he used a simple combination of blues and oranges to create a very striking contrast. His face almost jumps out of the canvas at the viewer.
In this landscape van Gogh contrasted the vibrant oranges in the foreground against the rich blues in the sky.
In this painting by Claude Monet you have a striking contrast between the dull blues and the rich oranges in the sky.
In this painting below the vibrant reds and yellows contrast against the dark greens and violets.
Finally, in this classic painting by Claude Monet, the sun is contrasted against the dull blue-grays. The orange of the sun is actually not that intense. But, when the rest of the painting is a dull blue-gray, it looks very intense.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article on how Complementary colors used by the Great Masters can add drama to a painting. I hope that this has been inspirational and educational to you. Thank you for reading.
Photo References for Van Gogh and Claude Monet paintings taken from -
I am sure that there are other great artists who create an impact with their art by using a complementary color scheme. Let me know in the comments below which other artists you think creates an impact by using a complementary color scheme. I would love to hear from you! Thanks!