Thursday, June 26, 2014

Awards --- In recent months this year (2014) from my Art Club monthly competition

Here are some pictures of paintings that won awards (ribbons)  in the recent months for the club's monthly art competition. 

Title: Remembering my pet "Alilu"
Size: 9"x 12" Watercolor paper
Medium: Pen and Ink
This painting " Remembering my pet Alilu"  won 2nd place at the Monthly Art Competition held on June 19,2014 at the Sunnyvale Art Club. The monthly theme was " Animals"

Title: Padma-- The Sacred Lotus
Size: 11 x 14", Watercolor paper
Medium: Pen and Ink
This painting " Padma-- The Sacred Lotus" won 3rd place on April 18,2014 at the monthly art competition.(  don't have a picture with the ribbon for this) from Sunnyvale Art Club. The theme was "Flowers" for month of  April. 

Title: Airavata-- The Elephant in Heaven
Size: 12 x 16"
Medium: Pen and Ink

This painting " Airavata-- The Elephant in Heaven " won 2nd place on March 21, 2014 at the monthly art competition.(  don't have a picture with the ribbon for this) from Sunnyvale Art Club. The theme was " Anything Goes" for the month in March. 

With Awards/Ribbons as a theme for this post, I came across this wonderful quote from Jane Fonda for you all to think about.  

See you all with another Creative post soon. 

"You don't learn from successes; you don't learn from awards; you don't learn from celebrity; you only learn from wounds and scars and mistakes and failures. And that's the truth." -- Jane Fonda

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